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Lillooet is a stunning region in Western Canada that is home to a unique and diverse ecosystem bustling with life.

Meet the Wildlife

Awareness Index

We love the animals that call the Lillooet region home; Stay up to date as we add new animals to our Awareness Index, complete with illustrations, professional photography & species range maps.

Spotted bat

Euderma macalatum

Long Billed Curlew

Numenius americanus

Spotted Owl

Strix occidentalis

Mountain goat

Oreamnos americanus

Western Screech Owl

Otus Kennincottii macfarlanei (interior)

Lewis’s Woodpecker

Melanerpes lewis


Select one of the wildlife below to see a map of where in BC they call home.


Gulo gulo
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With bringing awareness to local & endangered wildlife, we must also be respectful towards the land they call home.

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