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Grizzly bear

Ursos arctos

Grizzly bears can be confused for black bears and vice versa. This makes identification kind of tricky! But there are very few grizzly bears around Lillooet so if you do see a bear, it’s probably a black bear. Grizzly bears have smaller ears, a big hump on their shoulder and very large claws on their front feet..

Where it Lives

Grizzly bears of Southwest BC are in trouble. That’s the sad reality. Stein-Nahatlatch grizzly bears live south of Lillooet, west of the Fraser River and have ‘refugia’ within the Stein Valley Nlaka’pamux Heritage Park. Only 17 bears remain in this region and are genetically isolated from other neighbouring populations.

Conservation Concern

Grizzly bears are BLUE-LISTED in British Columbia, meaning they are at risk. The southwest populations have an “Extreme” conservation ranking. The isolated populations found in the Lillooet area are considered Critically Endangered.

The biggest threats to Lillooet’s grizzly bears include:

  • Core habitat impacts by hydro-electric projects
  • Human conflict-related deaths
  • Human recreation, particularly motorized recreation
  • Declines in wild salmon

What you can do

Grizzly bears of Lillooet need your help! Coast to Cascades Grizzly Bear Initiative is leading the charge to create action to save Lillooet’s imperiled grizzly bears. Take a moment and do your part by signing the petition here. With only 22 bears in the Stein-Nahatlatch unit, the grizzly bears need immediate action.

Become an Expert

Learn more about what’s being done to protect the Grizzly bears here and the BC Conservation Data Centre’s Summary report here.

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